Individual registration
1. MEET THE EXPERT - Managing the safety profile of CAR-T & Bispecifics: can we safely treat elderly patients?

Step 1

Your data


Step 2

Personal data

please specify the country code

Step 3



Step 4


I, the undersigned, aware of the sanctions provided by the art. 76 of the Consolidated Law, D.P.R. 28712/2000 n. 445, and the forfeiture of benefits provided for by the art. 75 of the same Consolidated Law in the case of false statements, under my own responsibility, DECLARE

that I was not recruited by any company to attend this event

that I have been recruited by (Insert the name of the sponsor)

N.B. A healthcare professional is considered to be recruited when, for the participation in educational events, he/she benefits from economic and non-economic advantages, direct and indirect, by commercial companies operating in the healthcare field.
Are you interested in obtaining CME credits?

Step 5

Registration fees (VAT included)

€ 0